We received your application. Now let’s schedule your call.

With your application now accepted, let’s get your call into Ruben’s Calendar here!

Please make sure that you download and install Telegram if you haven’t already! This way we can stay away from unethical platforms such as Facebook and WhatsApp, and still enjoy online calls. (If needed, we can also use zoom)

If this is an issue for you or something doesn’t work, please contact our helpdesk.

We look forward to speaking with you soon.

Thank you!

We are currently not running the Reclaim your Inner Throne initiations (this may change soon).

We do however offer myriad membership crucibles inside of the Ground & Glory guild. To explore these, I will take your call, and you can book a call with me below.

Speak soon!

All the best,
Eivind Figenschau Skjellum
Reclaim your Inner Throne founder