An international Men’s Retreat in the Norwegian mountains. Join us as we gather the brethren, revive the Viking tradition of Ting, power up and set sail for the promised land.

  • Summer Retreat 2019

    Kings of the North

    The Clans gather July 15 - 21

In the midst of your daily struggle, performing well in the rules and roles of a world and life that no longer inspires, your life feels increasingly meaningless.

You wake up, start your day, and pretend things are working. But in the depths of your being, you know this old world is dying, and a new one is yet to be born.

Will you go down with the ship – committed to your limitations, doubts and fears – or will you set sail with your Viking Brothers and discover the land of plenty once more?

You can have a life that inspires you. You can have purpose, meaning, brotherhood, impact.

And you can be one of the courageous few who wake up every morning full of passion, knowing that your life is part of the solution, not the echoes of a world which is no more.

This July 15–21, find your voice and take your rightful place in the clan, as we prepare for the journey to the promised land.

Watch this video to visit the Viking Ship Museum in Oslo, Norway and hear an interview with the passionate archaeologist Ellen Marie Næss.

A Quest for Freedom

You’ve traveled far, and for the last hour, the simple, natural beauty of Norwegian countryside has embraced you.

It’s 6pm on July 15th, and you arrive on site with 30 other men from far and wide. They look excited, and perhaps a little nervous.

Like you, they have come for change. Like you, they have come chasing a vision of a new life; a life of purpose, meaning and belonging. And like you, they want to find the connection, transformation, power, and vision which inspired their long travel.

The stakes are high, and the adventure is about to begin.

As you cross the threshold to the beautiful main building, you leave your phone in a basket as a man assigns you to your quarters. “The opening ceremony starts at 8pm”, he says. “Make sure to be on time.”

The week which follows takes you on a powerful and immersive Quest. Meditations, inquiries, rituals, and challenges await you in spectacular surroundings. 

So many men feel lost now, spending time and energy in ways which cause them pain. Bereft of a true sense of home in this world, you come to this place in the Norwegian mountains hot on its trail.

For you know something else is possible. In fact, you have already felt it. And as new possibilities beckon, you find the courage to take a good look at where you’re coming from and the wounds which block your path.

Over the week which follows, together we invoke the medicinal powers of ritual space, in which the four archetypes of King, Warrior, Magician, Lover emerge into form and take up residence in each and every one of you. 

And maybe for the first time, you get clear on how you embody the four, and which one(s) feel more like home for you*. It’s a powerful feeling.

You discover that the 3 Viking Keys of Clarity, Courage and Connection interweave seamlessly with the archetypal work, making it material you may have known for years even more accessible to you. And then, the 3 Viking Keys start inspiring a concrete plan of action. You are inspired.

Back home awaits a world of opportunity, and you know you have gifts to give. As Monday becomes Sunday, and beginnings become ends, we trust you will find your inner compass once more, and set sail across the stormy seas of our complicated contemporary lives sporting the sails of a new tribe and a vision for the future.

You are going home to a new tomorrow and the world shall know your name!

* We must all hone our relationship with all four of these archetypes if we are to become whole men, but our gift to the tribe of Man is often closely correlated with one or two of them.

The scariest, most thrilling and profound experience of my life. It got me out of my depression and on track with my life and art.

James Roper, Summer Retreat 2017

Why do we gather?

More and more men are right now waking up to the fact that the status quo is not working.

Many of them fall for the easy temptations provided by the politically correct, leading them to adopt “men are bad”-narratives, filling up with shame about their gender, sex and power.

What they fail to realize is that good men are part of the solution, and that anyone consistently shamed for who they are is less likely to be a force for good in this world.

In fact, believing that good things come from shaming yourself for your very nature is misguided beyond belief.

And so as our messengers disperse to the four directions, let the word be known that men are good – and shall rise once more – in the fight for our own lives and families, as well as the future of humanity and this planet.

This summer’s Kings of the North retreat is our most ambitious yet. Reclaim your Inner Throne and the Wildman Program join forces once more, to deliver an immersive experience and a message of hope, change and transformation.

We are clear that in these times, no longer can men live one-dimensional lives, pretending to fit into the tiny molds of “traditional macho” or “postmodern progressive man”.

To become happy, on purpose, and powerfully alive, we must become whole men who embrace our full selves, vulnerability and power both.

As Nordic men, living in one of the most politically correct regions of the world, that means paying our respects to our Viking roots.

Roots which are dark and brutal, but also full of light, beauty, vision, arts and crafts, honoring of both sexes and democratic rule through the tradition of the Ting.

In honor of our past, every evening this week, we will gather for Ting (the traditional democratic gathering place of the Vikings), where you will be seen, blessed and have your voice heard.

With an amazing venue, beautiful surroundings (which we will take good time exploring), a dedicated kitchen staff, and connections you will treasure, this is set to be a hell of a summer week; one you will remember.

Opens new window. Close to return.

Clarity, Courage and Connection

You may have read about the 3 Viking Keys, which form the framework that we use at the Kings of the North Retreat.

What are the 3 Viking Keys, why do we use them and how? Download the 3-part report that reveals the exciting answers to these questions below.

Access this 3-part Report immediately by clicking the button below.

It’s been an amazing journey, and I have learned a lot about myself: How to stand my ground, not to be afraid, trust in myself and find my life purpose.

Tommy Aabye, Summer Retreat 2018


  • Day 1: Gathering. Arrive at Noreheim at 6 PM. Check in at your clan quarters, have a light meal and join our first gathering in the Main Hall for the opening ceremony.

  • Day 2: Brotherhood. Get more clarity on who you are, how you relate to yourself and to other people. Opening of the Thing.

  • Day 3: Power. A day at the battlefield. Explore your relationship to power, engage in ritual war (the fun way), and get your Warrior on. Owning your Courage.

  • Day 4: Surrender. A day closer to your masculine heart. Embrace beauty and nature, explore your relationship with sexuality and intimacy. Explore taboos & desires. Ritual healing work. Connection.

  • Day 5: Death and Rebirth. The dark night of Ragnarok. Sacrifice, transformation and commitment. Increase Clarity through Death & Rebirth. 

  • Day 6: Rise of Kings. The Clarity of Vision, purpose, values and strategy. Accountability and celebration. End the day with a feast.

  • Day 7: Homecoming. A day of Honoring Brothers of the new era. Intentions and declarations. We sett out to conquer new frontiers and create new beginnings.

An extraordinary retreat that’s been truly groundbreaking for me. A fun, brotherly, joyful experience that gave me the tools to CHANGE

Joseph Frankl, Summer Retreat 2018

Prices & Registration

So what does this powerful week in Norway this summer cost?

We have three price levels for this retreat, depending on when you register.

Hop on before April 1 for the Crazy Bird price, wait a little longer and grab an Early Bird before June 23.

If you want to sit on the fence a little longer as you clear your calendar and make sure this is a good match, be one of the last people to sign up at the Standard rate (before July 8). 

The different price levels are specified below.


  • Includes food & lodge
  • Printed retreat material provided
  • 10 tickets available at this level
  • Does not include linen & towels
  • Must order before July 14

The Team

Karl-Otto Sandvik

Karl-Otto is a Norwegian men’s coach, group leader and father situated in Denmark.

He joined Eivind and Reclaim Your Inner Throne in the autumn of 2014, and became the first RYIT assistant course leader (early 2015).

Karl-Otto brings deep heart, persistence and confidence to his work, and has the gift of cracking men open through modeling leading from vulnerability. 

Paal Christian Buntz

Paal is the founder of The Wildman Program. He leads workshops and retreats around masculine empowerment, conscious sexuality and tantra.

Paal is a certified Integral sexologist, tantra teacher/bodyworker and coach that can maintain a safe and yet powerful space for empowerment and transformation.

Eivind Figenschau Skjellum

Eivind is the founder of Reclaim your Inner Throne. A long-time student and leader of archetypal men’s work, he brings a vast and comprehensive map of human transformation to his work, and his visionary message inspires men to take their life to the next level.

Working as a coach, inspirational writer, community leader, spokesperson, training director and entrepreneur, his mission is to awaken one million men to become change agents in his lifetime.

We are gathering a support team with experienced men who will serve as Clan leaders & guides. Reach out if you think you are a good match.

Clan Leaders

Søren Stistrup

Søren has facilitated men’s groups in Denmark for nearly a decade, and works as a psychotherapist and counselor for individuals and couples.

Seppi Garrett

Seppi Garrett was born and raised along the banks of the Susquehanna River in Pennsylvania, USA. He is a permaculture designer, Assistant Farm Manager at Urban Edge Farm in Lancaster County, PA, a Licensed Massage Therapist and leader in training for Reclaim Your Inner Throne. He has spent nearly 20 years working with at risk boys as a group facilitator, wilderness guide and counselor.

Bryan Reeves

A former USAF Captain, Bryan’s viral blog, “Choose Her Every Day (or Leave Her),” has been read by over 30 million people. Having survived multiple dark nights of the soul, he is now a Life Coach & Relationship Coach to men, women, and couples worldwide. His books and courses, including “Boundaries: Relationships Suck Without ‘Em!” have helped thousands of people make sense of love and intimacy’s bewildering senselessness.

James Kyson

An exciting & versatile actor, voted by Buzzfeed as a Top 10 Asian-American Leading Man, James is known from shows like AMC’s Preacher, CBS’ Elementary and Criminal Minds: Beyond Borders, FOX’s Sleepy Hollow and NBC’s Heroes. He is an Evryman group leader, specializing in emotional mastery and men’s work, and an athlete recognized for his physique.

Jørgen Husbond

“Jørgen works as a consultant with Transformational Leadership & Organisational Development. He has been involved in men’s groups
since 2000 and is part of the team leading a Rite of Passage ceremony for teenage boys in October. He also offers weekends for parents and their children to deepen and strengthen their relationships and bringing out the strengths in the children.”

The Support Team

Ruben Benjamin Gorseman

Ruben is a certified Reiki master and young men’s coach in training from the Netherlands. After his own initiation in Spring 2018, he apprenticed himself with Eivind and has since then collected a keen understanding of the 4 archetypes.

He brings clarity and an unwavering sense of loyalty in support of Eivind’s vision: “Creating a world where people thrive.”

⚠ TV Crew present ?

There is a very high likelihood that a TV production team is going to be present at parts of or the whole retreat. One participant will likely be from the TV show that is being produced.

We’re vetting the quality of the team thoroughly and will do everything in our power to ensure that their presence is of service to us and the people watching the final product on prime-time TV.

Your anonymity is protected, and you don’t have to be shown on camera if you don’t want to be, though men’s work hitting the mainstream is exciting, and very timely indeed.

I saw miraculous things this week.

Robert Powell, Summer Retreat 2017

How to get there

Public transportation to the site is limited and we are currently working on organizing transportation from Oslo to Norefjell around 3pm on July 15.

If you come by car, we ask that you make your car available for some of your Brothers (reach out and let us know please).

We recommend that you arrive in Oslo July 14th to acclimatize and connect with some of the other retreat participants, though early July 15th is also possible.

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Apply now! ☺


  • Includes food & lodge
  • Printed retreat material provided
  • 10 tickets available at this level
  • Does not include linen & towels
  • Must order before July 14