• A 3-month online initiation that works

    When our training launched in 2014, it defined a new genre of men's work. Now, it is returning, improved and updated. Are you ready to buckle up and discover the new worlds it will open?

We trust your greatness

Secrets kill us men.

They destroy our dignity, our confidence, our courage, and they make our hearts shrivel up.

Now you know very well how much it hurts to play it small.

And that there’s nothing worse for a man than to be completely unknown by the world.

To not matter to anyone. 

Knowing this, so many of us men end up compensating.

We start playing games of perfectionism and looking good in the hope that “polishing the car will change its engine”.

But there’s no way to true power and liberation for a man other than to go all the way down.

You have to face your demons. Clean those wounds. Cry those tears. Scream those fuck yous.

Guided by the light of truth, we travel with you on that journey.

For ours is the way of revelation, and on the other side of being truly seen in the light of truth, your greatness will start to emerge.

We trust that greatness.

If you trust that greatness too, then stay a while and discover if you’re one of us.

Eivind Figenschau Skjellum
Founder & CEO

I’ve never before come across a training with this level of buy-in from the men. Across the board, there were big shifts unlike anything I’ve ever seen.

Paul O'Brien, embodiment coach

I leave the training feeling extremely happy and with more energy and enthusiasm than I have ever known. My life is more peaceful, my relationships with women are thriving and my business is booming. What’s happening feels magical.

Robert Powell, Managing Director, UK

As a martial arts instructor, I found new layers of authenticity in my teaching, and it lead to me tripling my income. I also saw dramatic improvements in my family life and the way I connect with people in general. Highly recommended!

Darryl Collett, Martial Arts Instructor

In the middle of the training, I could feel how an immature part of me was starting to die and a new part was getting born, a man who was a leader and was dedicated to serving the world. This is hands down the most powerful self-development training I’ve ever done.

Stephen Whiting, Nutritionist
I have been through and staffed some of the great men’s work trainings available, and Reclaim your Inner Throne is the tip of the spear. If there is greatness in you, it gets exposed on this training.
RYIT was a true rebirth experience for me. For the first time, I am able to embrace and allow my full spectrum of emotions and experiences and be fully in life. Thanks to that, I am now giving myself to the world in new ways, and it has transformed my family and my business.
Joseph Frankl, CEO JFrankl Associates

The 5D man lifestyle

While waiting for the initiation to return, we recommend you take steps towards a life of thriving under God inside of the game we call the 5D man lifestyle.

This potent and pragmatic work is available to you inside of the Ground & Glory Guild, which is a men’s community set up by Reclaim your Inner Throne founder Eivind F. Skjellum.

Is it time to try a 7-day free trial?

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Gates of Revelation

You *can* LIVE with Power & Love

For the past many years, we’ve been speaking about the urgency for good men like you to uplevel your life to better serve the world. For Course Leader Seppi Garrett, that looks like ensuring his grandchildren have a planet to live on. For you, it may look slightly differently.

Though we can all sense the urgency.

As a world-leading men’s initiation, we have the missing key to getting your life on track. What we have found repeatedly is that to step into your greater Purpose, you must find a way to wield Power with Love. Most men don’t know how to do this.

We have seen it in hundreds by now: We close down our Love when we step into Power and we disconnect from our Power when we open to Love. You probably do as well.

What you need to know is this: We know what to do. We will show you that a life of Power, Love & Purpose is possible.

And quite frankly, we don’t believe you can wait any longer. You must stop letting fear guide your hand now, because our future hangs in the balance. You can make money, experience profound love and deep meaning WHILE being an inspired Agent of Change.

And if you’re finally ready to become a part of the solution, it may be time to uplevel.

New men’s work podcast

While you wait for Reclaim your Inner Throne to be relaunched, join founder Eivind in conversation with other inspiring leaders in the world of men’s work.

The Wayshowers podcast is now live.

Our initiation is online, yet its impact permeates your whole life.

Is it your time to experience it?

What to expect

What can you expect to experience as a result of joining our 3-month initiation?

  • A massive increase in your sense of empowerment
  • A completely new relationship to men
  • Deepened clarity on your life purpose
  • Better sex and deep attunement to the Feminine
  • Radical increase of beauty in your relationships
  • A new relationship to your body
  • Feeling whole and at home in the world
  • Greater mental clarity
  • Improved finances in your business

  • A framework for kicking ass in life

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