Reclaim your Inner Throne Winter 2015/2016 has come to an end.

Here’s the journey in numbers.

  • 12 men started the journey.
  • 10 men completed the journey.
  • 3 men reclaimed their inner throne.
  • 7 men got close
  • 1455 forum posts were made
  • The men rated the training 8.6/10.
  • Average growth on life wheel (1.3; based on only 4 data sources)*

On a life wheel of 10 categories, where each category is rated 1-10, the men on average increased their average rating by 1.3 (based on self-assessment; this data is incomplete, not all men have reported their change).

This is significantly lower than previous rounds (which averaged about +2), but the interesting observation here is that this change seems to come from a theme of humility, and not of less impact.

Especially in the category of spirituality and inner growth, men saw themselves as becoming less developed on this training, which I attribute to the descending quality of the work, which effectively counters spiritual bypass and idealistic views on spirituality.

The coronation speeches of the three men who Reclaimed their Inner Throne can be seen below (with their permission; hopefully some of the power of this call comes through). The other men made valiant and honorable attempts.

(I will edit this post if more data comes in)